The study of the causes, incidence, and distribution of health and disease in a certain population is known as epidemiology.
Epidemiologists aid in our understanding of the origin of the disease and its most likely victims. The data acquired is utilized to stop the disease's spread and stop further outbreaks.
There are three major links in disease occurrence: the etiologic agent, the method of transmission (by contact, by a common vehicle, or via air or a vector), and the host.
Epidemiologic studies may be:1. Descriptive, organizing data by time, place, and person.2. Analytic, incorporating a case-control or cohort study. 3. Experimental. by organizing approach to problem solving.
Characteristics:To study the disease trend since past.Community diagnosis.Planning and evaluation of health services.Evaluation of a new therapy or a new health measure.
Characteristics:Determining the risk to an individual. Identification of syndromes.Filling in the gaps in the natural history of the disease
In short, Epidemiological characteristic includes design of the study, population that has been studied, exposure, outcome, covariates and effect size.