Venus Orbiter Mission Unofficially known as Shukrayaan (from Sanskrit: Shukra, "Venus" and yāna, "craft, vehicle"), is a planned Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) mission to study the surface and atmosphere of Venus.

Expected Date of Launch  The ISRO Chairman has announced that Venus Mission will be launched by December 2024.

Shukrayaan : Venus Mission Mission is to send a spacecraft to orbit Venus to study what lies below the surface of hottest planet & to unravel the mystery of Sulfuric acid clouds enveloping it.

Key areas of study It will explore the planet's surface layers and sub-surface structure unravelling the intricate geological processes.

The mission aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of Venus's atmospheric chemistry providing a window into the dynamic movements.

It will also try to decipher the complex interplay between solar energy and Venus, shedding light on how this energy affects the charged particle layer enveloping the planet.

The orbiter is poised to carry a expected to have a formidable payload capability of approximately 100 kilograms (220 lb) with 500 W available power.

Exploring the surface of Venus is difficult because of the intense heat and crushing air pressure. We wish Team ISRO for this challenging mission.