“14 secrets to say goodbye to exam stress forever!”

As we say, excess of everything is bad, so as the exam stress which leads to a psychological condition known as anxiety characterized by feelings of tension, apprehension, and unease before, during, or after an examination. It can affect students of all ages, from school to college and beyond. Exam stress can manifest in various ways and can have a significant impact on the academic excellence and over all being as well. In this blog by www.trendingplatter.com we will take up the 14 secrets to say goodbye to exam stress forever.

Secrets to say goodbye to exam stress

Before we go on to explain the ways which can help to overcome stress, we would like you to know the symptoms of stress being developed in your child or in you when preparing for an exam. Figure out the symptoms and act wisely.

Here are few symptoms for you to know :

Physical Symptoms

These symptoms may vary from one individual to another but here are few common anxiety signs like headaches, stomach aches, trembling, sweating, fatigue, changing in sleep patterns etc. Discomfort and heart palpitations too are becoming common in teens these days.

Emotional Symptoms

Students experiencing exam stress may also exhibit emotional symptoms such as irritability, fear, anxiety, and mood swings. These intense emotions can be a direct result of the immense pressure to excel in exams and the fear of failure that accompanies it.

Cognitive Symptoms

Cognitive symptoms associated with exam stress can profoundly affect a student’s cognitive abilities, including their capacity to concentrate, retain information, and think clearly. Common cognitive symptoms include racing thoughts, experiencing mental blocks, and encountering difficulties in processing and assimilating information.

Impact on performance

Exam stress can considerably impede a student’s performance in exams. The heightened stress levels make it difficult for them to effectively tap into their knowledge and skills needed to excel, ultimately resulting in a decline in their academic performance.

Prolonged Impacts

Long-lasting and intense exam stress can lead to enduring consequences for a student’s mental and physical well-being. If not adequately addressed, chronic stress can culminate in conditions such as burnout, depression, and a range of other mental health issues.

14 secrets to say goodbye to exam stress


Those who aspire to do well and put all the effort in preparations pass out with flying colours. One of the most effective ways to reduce exam stress is to be well-prepared. Start studying early and create a study schedule that allows you to cover all the material without cramming the night before the exam.

Do attend your classes regularly as we remember 10 % of what we read, 20 % of what we hear, 30 % of what we see, 50 % of what we see and hear, 70 % of what we discuss with others, 80 % of what we personally experience and 95 % of what we teach others. In the process of teaching-learning, we experience all these phases.

Preparations doesn’t happen overnight. The wheel starts rotating months back.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Divide your syllabus into smaller, manageable parts. This can make studying feel less overwhelming and help you track your progress. You can start with what you know better so that you are at peace covering the rest. Write the points using bullets which so that you don’t invest much time in writing bigger topics.

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

Practice with Past Exams

To get a feel of the types of questions which may come in one form or the other, practice using past question papers which are available on web when it comes to any entrance or can be taken from seniors when in school, use them to simulate exam conditions and get a feel for the types of questions you might encounter.

The more you practice, the better you get.

Healthy Lifestyle

Physical health can have a significant impact on your mental well-being and ability to cope with stress. Maintain a balanced diet, do regular exercise, and ensure you get enough sleep as it improves performance of the brain.

Sleep is a superpower. Sleep enriches our ability to learn & memorize.

Concentration & Relaxation Techniques

Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce stress and anxiety. It helps to channel your energy. Benefits of meditation are many including efficiency to channelize workable energy in exam preparation. Practice these regularly, especially in the days leading up to the exam.

Brilliant things happen in calm minds.

Stay Organized

Keep your study materials organized, including notes, textbooks, and study aids. You can also keep a binder. Notes, assignments, quizzes and tests should go into that binder for quick and easy access by dividing them with tabs. An organized workspace can also help you concentrate better.

Physical clutter makes us stressed, be organized.

Avoid Cramming

Cramming is often counterproductive and can increase stress. Instead, review material regularly over an extended period. Studying when stressed is not advisable at all. Trying to learn a lot in short period of time may have negative consequences.

Cramming is not a talent as it doesn’t give positive result.

Positive Self-talk

As our inner self is our best friend and talking to one self is beneficial, try talking to yourself and replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your achievements and capabilities as that will make you more confident and willing to work even harder.

Wake up with believe that you are getting better and better every day.

Take Breaks

During study sessions, taking purposeful breaks for 20 to 30 minutes is advisable to refresh your brain and to increase your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.

Breaks help us to unwind and recharge our minds.

Reach Out for Support

One need not go out looking for support from counselors. Sometimes sharing your concerns with family, friends help a lot. Merely speaking your heart out is the medicine of relief.

Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can affect your cognitive function, so be sure to drink enough water at regular intervals. Keep a bottle with you so that you do not forget drinking ample amount of water of keep a reminder.

Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.

Exam Day Strategies

On the day of the exam, make sure to be at the centre in time as reaching in hustle leads to confusion and stress. Arrive early, read instructions given in the paper carefully, and manage your time wisely. Start with the easier questions to build confidence. Avoid being distracted by fellow students who poke you to discuss the exam. They are no one but the stress builders who waste time by calling you and leave you with your exam unfinished at the end which ultimately leads to stress.This is one of the best secrets to say goodbye to exam stress

Concentrate to advance in this world.

Accept Imperfection

To err is human. Being imperfect at times is simply fine. Understand that nobody is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes at one point or the other. Don’t set unrealistically high standards for yourself as when you do not get the desired result, you tend to become sad and depressed.

Hardships are a part of life, keep moving.

Seek Professional Help

If you feel that the above given solutions are not fit for the condition you are facing and the exam stress is taking a toll on your physical and mental health despite trying self-help strategies, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or counselor.

Remember that some level of stress before an exam is normal and can even be motivating. However, when it becomes excessive and negatively impacts your well-being and performance, it’s essential to address it using these strategies. Building good study habits and effective stress management techniques can not only help you overcome exam stress but also improve your overall academic performance and well-being.

Let’s see what students have in store who feel anxious when exams approach

Pranshi Taneja, student of Grade 6 from VVDAV Public School

Kanika Kapoor, final year student from Sri Aurobindo College

There are several videos apart from these available on www.youtube.com which can be watched as well to find secrets to say goodbye to exam stress.

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